Pura Belparé Honor Book
Bright colors, full of movement, and happy poetry….so what is not to love about this book? Carmen Tafolla captures well the spirit and love of all generations in this family for the rebozo (scarf). From its utilitarian uses (blanket, carrying a baby, shawl, cleaning) to its entertainment value (peek a boo, blindfold, tunnel, sash, cape, slide), the rebozo is cherished by all. Of course, the young Mexican, American girl’s favorite use is when it is used to dance! Being from San Antonio, as is the author, I have noticed these rebozos which are treasured and worn by friends, but I had never considered their cultural history. This book gave me a brief look into the generational importance of them, and the next time I see one I know it will bring smile to my face as I remember this book and the vibrant illustrations which so captured the rebozo.
Tafolla, C. (2008). What can you do with a rebozo? Berkeley: Tricycle Press.